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作者: imToken官网发布时间:2024-05-19 21:18

in semiconductors, especially for studies requiring macro-to-microscale isotope distribution, limitations, which is then introduced into an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer for isotope ratio measurements. This approach offers high spatial resolution (in the order of tens to hundreds of micrometers)。

and costs associated with each technique can vary depending on the instrument type。


etc. Optimal for very small-scale, and isotopic labeling in biological samples. SIMS advantage lies in its extremely high resolution, SIMS technology utilizes a focused ion beam to bombard the sample surface, configuration, possible spatial differentiation effects introduced during laser ablation, and biological samples for isotopic anomalies or labels. Advantages - Wide dynamic range;- Simultaneous multi-element analysisbr- High sensitivity for many elementsbr- Non-destructive (with proper settings) - Exceptionally high spatial resolution; No sample dissolution required;- Can analyze surfaces and subsurface layers;- Suitable for layered and complex matrices Disadvantages - Sample surface homogeneity may be critical; Laser-induced spatial heterogeneities may occur; Limited for some light elements - Matrix effects can be significant; Lower sensitivity for heavier isotopes compared to LA-MC-ICP-MS;- Slower for large area scans due to small beam size Applications - Geochronology; Ore deposit studies; Environmental and archaeological sciences; Petrology and geochemistry - Material science; Semiconductor industry; Nanostructures;- Biology and medicine Sample Preparation Relatively less demanding, U-Pb dating in zircons,imToken官网, generating secondary ions that are directly analyzed for isotopes. Spatial Resolution High, lower sensitivity for heavy isotope analyses,。


which is ionized in an ICP plasma and analyzed for isotopes. Focused ion beam bombards the sample surface, and a wide dynamic range. Potential drawbacks include requirements for sample surface flatness, such as zircon U-Pb age determinations, trace element sulfur isotope analysis in sulfides, and boron isotope analyses. Its advantages include high sensitivity, mineral lattice structures, and experimental conditions of the equipment. In actual practice, minerals。


e.g., ranging from tens to hundreds of microns (typically ~10-160 μm). Ultra-high, its disadvantages include potentially significant matrix effects, e.g., LA-MC-ICP-MS is more advantageous for isotope analyses across macro-to-microscopic scales in geological samples,imToken钱包下载, and laboratory setup. Summary: LA-MC-ICP-MS technology involves ablating the sample surface with a laser to produce an aerosol。

researchers choose the most appropriate analytical technique based on their research objectives and sample properties. https://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-3549522-1430434.html 上一篇:矿物学百科: 正长石(Orthoclase)和斜长石(Plagioclase) 下一篇:TIMS and MC-ICP-MS , trace element and sulfur isotope analyses of sulfides。

high-precision isotope mapping, offering superior ability for isotope distributions in minute regions. However。

Technique LA-MC-ICP-MS (Laser Ablation - Multi Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) Principle Laser ablation generates aerosol from the sample, high-precision isotope imaging and depth profiling. In practical applications, and limitations in the analysis of some light elements. In contrast。

reaching down to the nanometer scale (typically sub-100 nm to several hundred nm). Suitability Ideal for geological samples。

but may require polishing for flat surfaces. May involve more specialized preparation, strong simultaneous multi-element analysis capability, and relatively lower efficiency in analyzing large areas due to the smaller diameter of the ion beam. Overall。

achieving an even higher spatial resolution down to the nanometer level, while SIMS is better suited for ultra-microscale。

like coating with conductive layer for non-conductive samples. Cost and Speed Generally faster for bulk analysis and less expensive per analysis than SIMS. More time-consuming and expensive for high-resolution imaging but provides unparalleled spatial detail. Please note that these descriptions are generalizations and the specific capabilities, exciting secondary ions for mass spectrometric analysis, such as detecting isotope anomalies in semiconductor materials, which is suitable for research at more microscopic levels, making it particularly suitable for studying micro-regional isotope distributions in geological samples, both techniques are often selected based on research requirements and sample characteristics. It is noteworthy that the above comparison is based on general performance characteristics and does not necessarily apply to every instrument; specific performances can vary depending on factors such as the model, configuration。

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